The View from My Deck

The view from my deck is missing a few friends these days. The hummingbirds that frequented my many feeders are no where to be seen. My guess is that two factors are primary responsible. Deb and I made a recent trip to North Dakota to be present for the birth of our first grandchild, Anders Eli Sabin. The most beautiful baby ever born! We were gone for about ten days. During our absence a storm blew through our area and knocked down three of my feeders. My other feeders were tossed around enough that all the juice was gone! The birds had no choice in the matter, they had to find the sugar somewhere else.
This brings me to a few thoughts about church life and how important it is that the fellowship be sweet and the word of God richly supplied. People come to church and keep coming back for many and various reasons. Love and friendship are major factors. A climate of acceptance and encouragement are important. Equal distribution of the work load and burden of upkeep with facility and of events held are all contributors to keeping the “birds” happy and well tended. In the midst of all of our many activities and loving relationships is the acknowledged and celebrated presence of God and his healing and enlightening Spirit.
We have much to be thankful for here at Zion. The feeders are full. The Son shines. Major storms have passed, and now we are left with the diligent task of tending and keeping and filling and calling each other to his mighty mission and service.
Pray on on my friends! Pray on!
Blessings, P. Chuck